
Sonic's Alpha Part 31

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Shades365's avatar

Literature Text

The night rose grey and rainy with the moon hidden within dark clouds. At the vampire palace, on the second floor from the top, lived Mephiles and Silver.

Silver was very pregnant and had grown to an enormous size and due at any moment. Mephiles was losing it. The Beta now never left the room, let alone the palace, unless it was to get something his mate wanted. Not when any day his child could come.

In bed, Mephiles sat up, silently watching over his dear mate. He watched as Silver slept and breathed in and out with his stomach moving a bit, showing the baby kicking and stretching its legs. Mephiles, who was curious, very much like a child, wondered how he could sleep like that.

Silence was broken by thunder and a whip of lightning tore across the sky, waking Silver in fright.

"Meph?" he cried out as he rose quickly, his back not liking the sudden movement and shot a pain up his back, causing him to groan and placed his hand on it.

"It's ok... It was only lighting." Mephiles calmed down his mate. Breathing out of relief, Silver looked down to his stomach and rubbed it tenderly.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He asked, stroking his mate's fragile stomach.

Silver sighed and replied, "Yeah, just got up a little too fast and she didn't like it." Patting his stomach, he smiled.

"Do you mind if getting me a few doughnuts and a glass of chocolate milk? I'm hungry..." he looked at his husband and gave a smile, his hand remaining on his stomach so as to say that the baby was hungry, too.

Meph nodded and cautiously stood to his feet, not wanting to cause too much movement on the mattress to cause discomfort to his mate. That's the last thing he wanted to do to him. As he walked into the kitchen, he looked back into the bedroom. Being that both the Alphas' and Beta's bedrooms were actually suites and the bedroom was very close to where the kitchen was, Mephiles had an excellent view of his wife. Just seeing Silver sit there with his huge stomach made him think of something bad, which he never intended to do. As he finished getting his pregnant mate's snack, Silver made an attempt to get to his feet.

Taking a breath, he tried to sit up straight which was impossible to do since his large belly was in the way. With much effort, he managed to get on the edge of the bed. It was hard for him to get his balance and to gain footing to stand, but he got it.

Starting to waddle, Silver held his belly and made his way to the kitchen where Mephiles was. Making his way back and walking through the doorway, Mephiles saw Silver waddling.

"Silver! Go sit back down!" Putting the box of doughnuts and glass of chocolate milk down on the kitchen table, he went to his mate and helped support him. "You need to go back to bed and rest. I don't mind getting you you're snack."

His wife only smiled and gave a small laugh, "Mephie, I'm fine. I just want to stretch my legs; they're starting to get stiff." But he remained his firm hold on his uke.

"No. You haven't listened to me at all recently. Please save me some headaches and just take it easy? Our daughter is due very soon and the one thing I don't need is you doing something excessive."

Once more, Silver gave a small smile and kissed Mephiles on the cheek. He then took his seme's hand and placed it on his huge stomach. "See, she's fine. She wants me to walk around, Meph." Walking to the kitchen table, Silver found the usual chair he sat at and started to lower himself down. Sitting became a problem ever since he entered his 4th month. Mephiles, sat down across from his mate who started to eat. Another whip of lighting cracked the sky, louder than before, causing the lights to dim off and back on.

"Quite a storm," Mephiles commented as he crossed his arms.

Silver stated before picking up another doughnut, "Yeah and I sure hope it ends soon...but judging by the weatherman, he says it'll last all week."

As the two sat in silence, a sudden knock at the door was loudly heard. Mephiles went to go answer.

"Now, who on Mobius can this be so early?" he wondered.

Opening the door, he saw Shadow, Sonic, Sonia, and Manic standing in the hall.

"Morning, Mephiles, can we come in? We came by to check on Silver," Shadow asked. The Beta let them all in. The last one to enter was a very sleepy Manic, still in his pajamas, and was highly pissed that his sister woke him up so early.

The pregnant uke heard his friends' voices and before he knew it, Sonic, Shadow, Sonia and Manic walked in. "Hey guys, Shadow, Sonic!"

Shadow made his way towards Silver. "Hey, Silver," he said as he sat down next to his brother-in-law. "So when is my niece going to get here?"

The pregnant male rubbed his stomach. "In a week or so… well, hopefully, anyway."

Sonic then said happily, "I'm pretty sure you and Mephiles are as ready to be parents as Shadow and I am!"

"Yeah, but you still have two more months to go," he laughed. "We're both looking forward to meeting the baby…And your pups, too, Sonic."

From within, the pup started to grow restless and hungry once more. She gave her mother a hard kick to the ribs.


In an instant, Sonia stopped bickering at her peeved brother and turned her complete attention to her best friend. "Silver, is it time?" she asked, putting her hands on his shoulders.

Silver looked up and gave a smile. "It's okay. It's just the baby; she's kicking me pretty hard!" His stomach growled. "Also, I'm starving!"

"I can cook something for you, if you'd like," Sonia suggested.

"You would?" Silver asked, to which she happily nodded. "Thanks, Sonia!"

"Don't mention it, I'll fix us all something," she giggled before asking, "if it's alright with you, Meph."

He merely shrugged his shoulders and said, "Take whatever you need."


As Sonia cooked her brother and besties breakfast, Mephiles decided to meditate. He removed himself from the area and went into the family room which was on the other side of the kitchen and very quiet and dark.

Silver watched as his mate sat in the dark room, trying to concentrate. Wanting to be with him, he tried to get up. His legs trembled as the weight of his child held him down.

Manic looked at Silver who tried desperately to stand. "Um Silvs, I don't think it's a good idea to be moving so much. You should sit down."

"It's okay, Manny. I'm fine!" Watching his friend stand very cautiously and lightly start to waddle towards his mate, Manic made sure to keep a close eye on him.

Sensing his mate, Mephiles raised his eyes to see him gently make his way towards him. Slowly, Silver lowered himself into one of the armchairs.

"You alright, love?" he asked.

"Yeah," his wife sighed with a smile. "I just wanted to know if you were alright. You seem stressed."

"You need to stop worrying Silver…" The Beta smiled. "I'm perfectly fine. You on the other hand, need to eat and rest. All the energy you're spending up on your feet and following me around is supposed to be saved and used for your body to be getting ready to have our baby."

Silver chuckled and looked at his mate. "I think you're the one who worries too much."
Mephiles stated, "I have a very good reason for it!"

"And what would that be?"

"My only love and my only child…Don't you expect me to be protective? The last thing I need is to lose both of you." He began to become paranoid and the harsh rain began to make itself known as it thrashed itself hard on the roof and window.

Deep down inside, Mephiles wanted the rain to end. This would be the worst weather to give birth in and there's no way they could make it a hospital in time… Looking at his mate's stomach, he crossed his fingers and hoped that his soon-to-be baby girl would wait a bit longer.

"Breakfast is done!" Sonia called from the kitchen. Meph helped his very pregnant mate up and into the kitchen.

The pregnant uke lowered himself back down to see a huge plate in front of him. Immediately he dug in, devouring it in minutes.

Silver was of course going to eat more since he was carrying a pup. And this was the way he always ate. Lucky for the happy couple, he knew how to cook. But in his last months of pregnancy, he ordered out or had one of the servants cook for him since he could no longer bend down as well and stand up for very long.

Just as everyone was finishing their meal or full plate…it happened.

"Ow…" Silver groaned and wrapped his arm around his stomach. A pain started in his stomach and made itself around his back, and pelvis.

"Silver!" Mephiles shouted. He rushed to his side as his mate clenched his teeth.

He put a hand to his belly. "Is everything alright, love?"

Shaking his head no, "Just a really strong cramp…I never had them like this before…" Before Mephiles could ask any more questions, Silver doubled over in pain and cried out. "I think the baby's coming!"

Sonic and the others gasped. Quickly, Mephiles took a hold of his mate and rested his hand upon Silver's huge stomach. He could feel the child squirm and twist within. As well as his mate's belly contracting against his hand.

It was time.

Started to slightly panic, Sonia exclaimed, "Oh, we have to get you to a hospital." Then she looked out the window and realized the darkness and the rain down-pouring. "But the weather!"

Turning to Manic, who was swallowing a mouthful of food, Mephiles asked, "Manic, do you think you can Chaos Control to the hospital?" It was a chance asking.

With his cheek puffed up with food, he answered, "Yeah I think so, I don't know…I mean the rain is so hazy and thick and we could end up in the cold rain instead of the hospital, but we could give it a try." He swallowed.

Meph hated the bad side of the outcome. It would risk his mate to getting extremely ill and having a high chance of killing both Silver and the baby. When he looked back down at his mate, he saw him bite his lips as his belly gave horrid pain into his body. "Silver, do you think you can have the child here?"

Silver managed to say, while in pain, "I-I wanna stay here..."

"It's settled. Sonia, call Dr. Autumns. Shadow, Manic, help me get Silver into the bed." Finished his last plate, Manic got up and he and Shadow went over to his pregnant uke and Mephiles, leaving Sonia and Sonic in the room. Together, the three of them heaved him up to his feet once his first contraction ended, guiding his feet out of the kitchen and to his room, letting him support all his weight on the two of them. Silver started to moan quietly as the contraction started to simmer away. Eventually, they got him to the bed where Mephiles started to assemble the pillows and sheets to where he knew his mate would be the most comfortable in.

The pregnant uke was soon lying in bed underneath several comforters, and pillows supporting his back and head.

10 minutes later, the same pain whipped his body through again, only a bit stronger. Mephiles looked at Silver who clenched to the covers in pain from the contraction.

Taking his mate's hand, he held it tenderly while he rubbed his shoulder, saying that he's right here and he's not alone in this. Silver lay with his mate and Manic sat on the edge of the bed, helping in any way possible.

The contraction ended which made the uke able to rest for 10 minutes before it started again.

Manic left the room when he heard Sonia call and soon then came back into the room. He went next to Mephiles and nudged him to get his attention.

He turned towards Manic with slight disdain in his face, "What is it?"

The Omega offered up a heating pad and said, "Sonia said this would help Silver."

The Beta went silent for a moment. He smiled and gratefully took the pad from Manic. "Thanks, Manny." He then looked at his dear mate and offered the item to him, to see if he wanted it or not. However, Silver tugged at the pad to be put over his belly which Mephiles gently placed it.

The warmth did seem to ease the contraction's pain and it made Silver easier to get through. He knew that any release of pain was worth it, even though it made it feel like he was bring ripped apart from the inside. Shadow looked at his friend, as he began to breathe hard to cope with the pain. The contractions were no longer 10 minutes apart but more like 7 or 8.

Looking at Mephiles, he suggested, "Meph, while the contractions are still minutes apart, why don't you get some towels so when it's time you don't have to rush to get them?"

Shadow was right. He didn't want to be out of the room looking for something when Silver is ready to push. He left the room and headed straight for the upstairs closet where the towels were kept.

Time seemed to grow shorter and shorter as he became more and more nervous.

Since he had never seen a male birth, and much less did he ever have to help with a birth, he became nervous and forbidden thoughts crossed his mind. What if the pup fell ill due to too much time? What if she were mishandled? What if he killed her during the birthing? How Mephiles hated himself to think such thoughts.

As he taking down some towels from the shelf, he heard his wife's, tired, and pained scream. Quickly, he grabbed what he had which were about 5 towels, and went right back to the bedroom where his mate was awaiting him. In the bedroom, Silver had finished a contraction and wanted to talk to his mate about something while he had the small break.

"I'm here…" Meph stated. He placed the towels on the edge of the bed where Sonia sat beside him. That's when Shadow noticed that someone was missing from the room.

Where was his mate?

Shadow left the bedroom and found Sonic sitting curled up quietly in a corner, his eyes wide and nearly as pale as Silver.

"Sonic?" he asked, rushing to his side and kneeling down beside his wife.

"Sonikuu, are you alright?" he asked worriedly, as Sonic wasn't looking very well. Sonic finally blinked and looked at his husband with fear in his eyes as he asked in a whisper, "S-Shadow…w-what's going on?"

"Silver just went into labor," he replied.

"And t-that's…" he swallowed hard. "That's going to be…m-me in two months…isn't it?"

"Yeah," Shadow said, wondering why Sonic was asking the obvious. Sonic gasped with fear.

"I can't do this," he choked out.

Just then, another pain-filled cry from Silver could easily be heard. Sonic cringed at the sound, ears pinning to his head, and his now tear-filled eyes instantly grew wider than ever.

Shadow blinked in shock as Sonic's breathing grew erratic and his eyes became unfocused.

"I c-can't do this," he repeated, just barely heard, as he began to hyperventilate. Shadow mentally cursed as he hadn't seen it sooner.

Sonic was having a panic attack.

"Sonic… Sonic look at me," Shadow immediately said, cupping each side of his mate's trembling face, "Sonic, you have to calm down. Look at me and try to calm down for me, alright?" But, to Sonic, it was like Shadow wasn't even there. He clamped his claws over his ears as he cried. He tried to curl up more, but his pregnant belly was in the way.

"I can't do this…I can't do this," he repeated again and again in between pants. If he kept this up, he would pass out for sure.

"Manic!!" Shadow shouted as he held his wife close.

"What?" he asked, running into the room. Then, he noticed the problem. "What's wrong with Sonic?"

"Silver's birth is scaring him and he's starting to panic," Shadow replied. "Tell Mephiles that I have to leave and once I've calmed him down, I will come back to check on how Silver is doing."

"Got it," the green male replied as he ran back into the bedroom to relay the message.

Just then, Shadow felt a slight grip on his arm. He looked to see Sonic gaze at him one time before his watery eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went unconscious.

"Dammit!!" he cursed. "Chaos Control!!"


*In their bedroom*

Shadow gently placed his pregnant mate on the bed and tried to wake him.

"Sonic…Sonikuu, wake up," he whispered as he gently shook his shoulder. No response, so he tried shaking him a little harder. Sonic was as silent as ever.

"Sonic, wake up!!" he nearly shouted because he was so worried.

"AAAHHH!!!" Sonic screamed as he sat bolt upright, letting out a yelp since his quick movements hurt his back. He panted heavily as he looked around frantically until he laid eyes on his worried mate.

"S-Shadow…" he whimpered as his husband instantly came to hold him in a tight embrace; he instantly clung to him as if his immortal life depended on it. With Sonic's body pressed so close to his own, Shadow could easily feel the pups moving around restlessly within his wife. He hoped all of them were alright.

"Shh…it's alright, love," he whispered into his mate's folded ears as he gently rubbed his aching back. "Everything's going to be okay."

Sonic thought back to what just happened and it scared him so badly. It only reminded him of what was in store for him two months from now. Only his pain would be stronger than Silver's and he'd have to go through it four times! All he could do was wrap an arm around his belly and cry himself to sleep in the protective arms of his mate.


*Back in the other's bedroom*

"Meph…I just remembered…we haven't picked out any names…" Despite how exhausted he was, Silver gave a small smile. "We've been so distracted with the nursery and for Sonic's and my wellbeing, I completely forgotten…"

Before his mate could reply, there was a loud knock at the door and Dr. Autumns was let in as Sonia came with a huge bowl and several washcloths.

"I have the boiled water!" she said as she placed it on the floor next to the bed. Then, she placed a cool cloth on Silver's forehead. "I put these in cool water and then put them in the fridge for a bit. So they're so nice and cold."

"Thanks Sonia…." he thanked. "As I was saying…Mephiles, do you have any ideas for names for the baby? Since we have a daughter…what would you want to name her?

Just as things settled, Silver had another contraction. He cried out again and immediately his mate held onto his hand as he squeezed.


A whole 24 hours had passed and there has been very little process. Silver's contractions had been from being 7 minutes apart, now to 4, and he was 5 centimeters dilated. It was going to be soon, hopefully a few more hours.

Not only that happened, but the storm going around, was getting worse. Each hour, more strikes of lighting was heard, and the louder the thunder was. Mephiles was glad he didn't take the risk of Chaos controlling his mate to the hospital.

Shadow had returned as promised once Sonic had fallen asleep. But, Mephiles knew that since Sonic needed his brother more than ever at a time like this, Shadow didn't need to stay. He was as equally worried about Sonic and his pups as he was with his own wife and child at the moment. So once he was assured that everything was fine, with that, Shadow returned to his mate.

"Mephiles, let's talk about names, it'll keep my mind off the contractions…" Silver urged. He wanted to be distracted somehow, and thought coming up with names would be the perfect thing.

Mephiles settled next to his mate.

Soon Silver stated, "I always liked Crystal for a girl…" He saw the interesting look on his mate's face. "It reminds me of when you're in your other form…And we could always call her Cryssie for short if you want?"

"That's a beautiful name…" That comment from his seme made Silver give a teary smile. Even through contractions, he still looked happy. He knew the pain was only part of having a bundle of joy, something he wanted very much. "Crystal it is then."

Sonia saw this, and exclaimed, "You know Mephiles, if you really want to help, why don't you rub his back? You know…to help ease away some of the pain."

Before Mephiles could move, however, a very strong contraction hit him causing him to clench his teeth and lean forward a bit in pain.

Holding his mate's hand, Mephiles gently rubbed his mate's back. Manic jumped back and watched as his friend cringed in pain. He didn't want to get in the way. Sonia calmly tried to help Silver who was trying to control his breathing while Dr. Autumns got everything ready. "Shh it's ok, it's ok, it's almost over."

Silver breathed hard and held to his stomach that seemed quite restless now.

"Check to see how much I'm dilated," Silver managed to pant out to his mate. Confused, Mephiles didn't know what to do. He went between his mate's legs and lifted the blanket only for his face to turn as pale as his stripes and to look away in disgust.

"Let me check." Dr. Autumns said nicely. Gently, she gestured the Beta to move over a bit. The contraction was getting slightly stronger and a couple tears ran down the pregnant male's cheeks.

"Silver, you're 7 centimeters dilated. Just a suggestion, but I think you should try sitting on the edge of the bed and spreading you're legs apart," the doctor advised.

"How would that help?" Mephiles asked.

"It will help stretch the pelvis and then the contractions will get stronger which speeds up the process," the young skunk said.

As much as Silver didn't want the contractions to get any stronger, he did want this over with. So he began to sit upright and of course couldn't get lean forward very much since his giant stomach in the way. Going behind his mate, Mephiles helped him sit up. With utter care, he rubbed the tears from his mate's eyes.

"It'll all be over before you know it, ok, love?" More thunder cracked the sky in two and lighting whipped itself through the black dark clouds. The contraction ended once more and Silver took a breath of relief.

"Did the contractions end?" Dr. Autumns asked seeing the relaxed look on the uke's face.

He nodded, "Yeah…I think they're getting closer apart, though…"

"The stopwatch says 4 minutes apart…" She commented and held up a tiny, silver stopwatch.

"Almost there…just need to hang on a little bit more." The pregnant uke rubbed his swollen stomach. He couldn't help but think that in a matter of hours his baby would be born. He even wondered if he would go through this again in the future.

Mephiles looked at his mate and rubbed his hand on his shoulder as he whispered lightly into his wife's ear, "Once this is all over and our daughter is out, and you are fully recovered, I have a surprise for you both."

"You do? That's cool…" Silver panted. He was tired as hell. "I can't wait." He could feel the pup move restlessly within him, making him rub the sides of his belly. "I hate saying this, but I can't wait for our baby to come out…." Over the months of pregnancy, Silver enjoyed each one. Despite the morning sickness and the horrible cravings, he saw it as getting a step closer of having their daughter. Mephiles had been happy too, and nervous. He had to sit back and watch his young mate grow to a massive size in very little time.

One more striking pain ran through his body. Mephiles felt horrible as he watched his mate go through another, body seizing contraction. He wanted to use his chaos energy to help ease away the pain, but Dr. Autumns said that it might harm the baby now that the birthing process was underway. So, he couldn't help him with the pain at all, and just wished he could take it all away. "It's almost over's almost over," He said trying to help his mate handle the pain.

Running his hand over Silver's belly, the Beta rubbed it as tenderly as he could.
Trying to control his breathing, Silver had a very hard time. He was gripping the sheets, and panting. The pain he was experiencing was much stronger than the others he had earlier. For the first time, the uke pushed his mate's hand away.

"P-Please, stop d-doing that!" He groaned. Suddenly, he doubled over in pain as the contraction tripled in pressure. Mephiles felt somewhat ashamed to have hurt his mate. He didn't do on purpose, just trying to soothe the pain. Not wanting to take another risk, he backed himself away slightly.

The position that the doctor had told him to go in, was really working.

Contractions were becoming stronger, and coming faster. Something Silver hated but dealt with since he really wanted to see the daughter he had made with his lover.

"Silver, can I check to see how far you are again?" Dr. Autumns asked, "I know I checked a couple minutes ago, but I want to see if the position worked."

Receiving a nod, she bent down and checked between her patient's legs.

She then came up with a smile, "You're 9 centimeters! Just one more then you can push!"

Manic also jumped back as he watched Silver groan from the pain. Sonia went to Silver's side, "Don't worry, Silver, it's almost over… it'll be done super quick!" she said trying to help her friend deal with the pain.

The contraction ended, giving the silver male a small break. However, he knew that contractions would start right up again, but took this time to relax.

"Meph, I…I want to get in the tub…" The uke managed to say. In his 5th month of pregnancy, he read up online several ways to give birth. Many expectant mothers chose a water birth. So, that's he wanted to do. Either that, or sitting.

"The tub…why?" Mephiles chose the wrong time to start asking questions.

A mood swing happened, "You're going to try and start an argument with me now!? When I'm in labor and about to have your kid!?" Silver shouted, baring his fangs, as he started to shed a bit of tears.

"No, I wasn't! I was just wondering! I swear!!" The pale blue streaked male defended. Luckily, his pregnant mate forgave him and just started crying on his shoulder.

"We should get him in the tub like he said," said Dr. Autumns as she came over, ready to help assist.

"Thank you, doctor," Silver smiled weakly. "For everything."

"You're welcome," she said with a warm smile.

Once she answered, she headed for the bathroom, where she could get the water started.
Gently, Mephiles picked his mate up bridal style and started to carry him. He reached the bathroom, where the huge tub already filled up with nice warm water. It wasn't just a regular bathtub, and like with Sonic and Shadow's bathtub, it was big enough to fit 5 or 6 people and it was surrounded by tile so Silver had his space.

Dr. Autumns helped Mephiles gently help Silver in. Once he was in Mephiles went in and joined him. Quietly, he let his uke lean on him. It was a very peaceful looking sight to see. Silver's sleeping shirt was risen up and it only covered his chest so his swollen stomach was easily seen.

Mephiles then took a notice that the warmth of the water relaxed Silver's pained body. He gave a small smile knowing it did help his mate. Allowing his wife to lean on him, he made sure that he was comfy.

Sonia watched from the door with Manic peeking over her shoulders.

The doctor looked at the pregnant male and asked him, "Are you doing ok? Because I do believe that you can start pushing on the next contraction."

The Beta was still very nervous for his dear mate...he didn't know how or what to expect during the release.

"I can?" Silver asked, making sure he wasn't just hearing things.

"Yes…" She replied sweetly. She knew this was what he was waiting for the whole time.

"Okay…I'll push."

Hearing this, Dr. Autumns ran to go get the towels while Mephiles helped his mate get into position. Silver would be in a squatting position which would help spread the pelvis, making it easier for the baby's head to come through.

"I can't wait to meet the baby…" Silver exclaimed. Just that moment, the baby kicked him in the navel.

Cringing from the kick, he started to breathe deeply.

Meph held his mate from toppling over on his knees, and held his hand to give him comfort. Silver felt the pup's pressure from within as he breathing hardened. Their daughter wasn't going to wait any longer. The father felt that his body was stressed and wanted to help…but sadly decided against it, in case he may hurt him again.

Returning with warm towels, the doctor placed them on the sink and knelt herself down to the tub. A sharp pain ripped inside him that made Silver scream.

"Silver, push!" she said, knowing that this was the contraction that she was waiting for. She held a towel between her patient's legs. Silver was still in the tub only kneeling with the help of Mephiles supporting him.

Holding his mate's hand, Silver pushed long and hard, grunting a bit as he did so.

"It's alright, love, it's almost over," he reassured. Sonia and Manic watched as Silver began to sweat heavily. Once more the pressure began to push against his lower pelvis and it was excruciating. Starting to moan, he could feel the baby start to move down the birth canal.

"You're doing awesome, Silv!" Manic called from where he was standing, wanting to give his pal some encouragement.

"Oh god…I-I feel something!" Silver yelled out. Pushing harder, he whimpered a bit.

"The head is crowning!" Dr. Autumns announced, letting her patient know just how well he was doing. Then he stopped pushing, taking a deep breath.

"Silver, take a nice breather, but on the next contraction, you need to push. Don't hold back," she advised.

The pregnant male did just that. Leaning back against his mate, he started to pant heavily. "Doctor….if something goes wrong….and if you have to cut me or something….just do it! my baby...please!!" The laboring uke managed to say while panting.

Mephiles had read about that, and he took note on how dangerous that was. His mate could die from blood loss or his child wouldn't be saved in time. Or they'd both be killed. His eyes trembled as tears weld inside, he managed to whisper, "Silver, that's way too risky, you could die can the pup. I don't want to imagine the thought of losing you both."

The father-to-be was extremely worried about that and Silver could tell his husband was now more worried than before when he was just pregnant.

"Mephie, I promise nothing is going to happen…" Silver said but was cut off by another contraction. With this contraction, he pushed again and leaned forward. Only this time, he felt a burning sensation.

The doctor was getting the towel ready once more. "That's it! The head is coming out! I can see the top!"

Hearing this, Silver pushed harder, this causing him to squeeze his mate's hand, which was now losing its color. It was Meph's turn to wince in pain.

"C'mon, Silver! I know you can do it! You can do anything!" Sonia called out, trying to help in any way possible.

Mephiles watched his mate hold his breath and push as hard as he could. He wanted to help but what could he do...just encourage him. "Come on, Silver…you almost have it! Push! Just a little more."

Sonia and Manic watched as his groans grew louder and more pain-filled and also help by cheering him on. Tears began to flow down the Beta uke's cheeks as he felt more and more release from his body.

"That's it! That's it, almost there!" Dr. Autumns said as she began to help out the pup. As she spoke her voice seemed to get calmer and calmer by the second, "That's it...there we go."

Soon Silver felt complete relief from most of the pain and the release. He was done.

A very loud wail was heard. In the doctor's hands was a crying silver furred pup who was kicking her legs and moving her little fists.

"Here she is," she smiled as she brought it close to her chest to wrap her in the towel she was holding. As she was done, she handed her to her mother, who was in tears of joy by now. Silver happily took her and put her on his chest as he rested against Mephiles.

Mephiles, who had his mouth open in awe, had tears welled in his eyes. He was overjoyed that he finally had a child.

"Oh my god…she's beautiful…" Silver whispered. His little one was still crying, still not liking the fact she was pulled from her nice, warm resting area. "Our little Crystal…"

Her father could only nod. Speechless as he stared at his new daughter. A little princess to teach everything there is to know about vampires and her royal bloodline.

As the rain finally died down out side, Mephiles could only think of one thing:

Her grandparents would be so proud.
Here's a beautiful Mephilver moment and expect to see plenty of action in the next chapter!!

Hope all of you enjoy and as always, please leave me a comment!! ^^
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blazethecat77777101's avatar
Omg ok I got bit scared LoL now I'm thinking I. Just adopting hehe.... I can all ready tell how much it hurts but if it happens to me I swear ima ....I don't know ahhhhh!!!! Nice story by the way I LOvE THeM!!!!